What is “Aitchess”?

Let me guess, you saw my name and your thoughts were likely to be how the heck do you pronounce “Aitchess” and what does that mean?! Well, it’s a long story but rather simple really. I went most of my life without having a real nickname. I swore I’d give my kids names with “built-in” nicknames, and I did. The story really starts when I met my now husband Brian. He was going by the nickname “B” and once he decided to call me ”H” we discovered it is actually the only letter with a true spelling in the dictionary. Aitch. So I started going by Aitch and when I started a business I wanted to reflect me and my personality I decided to go with my initials “H-S” spelled out as Aitch-Ess. So Aitchess Photography was born. I hope it reflects the fun, colorful, unique soul that I have and that my photography captures your unique souls and stories!

Enjoy and treasure every moment,


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